
duminică, 1 februarie 2015

Main Event Results, September 30TH, 2014

WWE: WRESTLING, RAW, SMACKDOWN, THE DIVAS, The Bella Twins, Brie Bella and Nikki Bella, 01 Februarie 2015, Brianna Garcia-Colace and Nicole Garcia-Colace
Brie Bella vs. Summer Rae and Layla

We go to the ring and out first comes Layla and Summer Rae. Brie Bella is out next for another handicap match, thanks to Nikki Bella.

Layla starts off but Summer distracts Brie and Layla takes her down. Summer and Layla do quick tags, keeping Brie down in their corner. We see Nikki watching backstage. Summer with a 2 count on Brie. Layla comes in and works Brie over on the ropes with a submission.. Summer tags in for some double teaming and another 2 count. Brie looks to come back but Summer clotheslines her. Layla tags in and kicks Brie in the back. Layla with a body scissors now. Brie fights up and out. Brie catches a kick and kicks Layla’s leg out. Brie with a running knee to the face. Summer distracts Brie, allowing Layla to roll her up for 2. Layla distracts the referee while Summer grabs Brie. Brie kicks Layla away and Summer gets dropped on the apron. Layla with a crossbody for 2. Brie drops Layla on her face out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Brie Bella

After the match, we see Nikki watching from backstage as Brie gets a “yes!” chant going.
Related Links:
» Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > WWE Main Event > 2014 > 09-30-14
» Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE Main Event > 2014 > September 30th

Citeste si: Brie and Nikki Bella Entrance Vodeos


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