
sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2015

Night of Champions Results, 22 Septembrie 2014


Brie Bella did a promo backstage. She said that Paige and Lee have the chance to do what she hasn’t had the chance to do yet, knock Nikki down a notch. She said Nikki was like karma, a bitch.
WWE Divas champion Paige vs. AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella
Back and forth action early. Lee gained control nailing Paige and Bella on the floor. Paige tried to get off and offered her hand for Lee to kiss. Lee instead worked her over and nailed a big kick for a two count.
Paige caught her with a kick to the gut. Lee cut her off and went to the top but Nikki returned to shove her off and back into the ring. She covered Lee for a two count and then worked her over for another two count. Bella began beating Lee’s head into the mat but Paige attacked her and sent her to the floor.
Paige cradled Lee’s head in her arms then drilled her in the gut. She screamed, “Why don’t you love me?” and drilled Lee with a series of headbutts before beating her down with punches across the back. Paige awkwardly ran Lee to the ropes and nailed her with a series of kicks to the face.
Bella blasted Paige off the apron from behind and covered Lee for a two count. She drilled Lee with a knee for another two count. Bella slammed Lee down and covered her yet again. Lee fought back but was caught coming off the ropes with a bodypress. Lee turned herself into the Black Widow submission but Paige attacked them before Lee could get a tapout.
A frustrated Paige worked them over. She went for a superplex on Lee but Bella slipped underneath for a powerbomb as they did a Tower of Doom spot. All three were spent and exhausted. Lee rolled to the outside. Bella grabbed Paige for Shock Treatment and nailed it, but Lee broke up the pinfall.
Nikki nailed Lee and worked her over. Lee slammed her off the apron to the floor. Lee charged the ring and locked in the Black Widow. Paige countered it several times but Lee locked it back on and finally scored the submission.
Your winner and new WWE Divas champion, AJ Lee!


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