
vineri, 3 ianuarie 2014

The Bella Twins | WWE Main EVent Results – November 6th

WRESTLING, RAW, SMACKDOWN, THE DIVAS, The Bella Twins, Brie Bella & Nikki Bella, 03 IANUARIE 2014 | Posted On November 07, 2013    Comments Off    Filed Under: Main Event, Results
 Nikki Bella (w/ Brie Bella) vs Alicia Fox

Alicia slams Nikki to the mat aggressively. Nikki does a side-step into a faceplant and immediately puts on a front facelock. She moves into a standing sunset flip for two and sweeps Alicia’s legs for another pin. Alicia retreats outside and makes angry faces at Brie. Nikki delivers a baseball slide – that only just hits Alicia. Back in the ring, Nikki continues her offence with a Thesz Press into another front facelock. Alicia rams Nikki into the corner but gets a boot in the face, followed by a clothesline for two. She goes for a monkey flip but Alicia counters that with a hot-shot. The force of it actually sends Nikki out of the ring to the outside. Back in the ring, Alicia awkwardly delivers a northern lights suplex for two. She slaps on a headscissors submission and Nikki rolls on top of her for a pinning combination. Alicia counters that into another combination and gets a low dropkick to the head. Nikki kicks out at two but gets choked at the ropes with Alicia’s boot across her throat. Alicia puts a chinlock on but Nikki uses an arm drag to escape. She ducks a big boot and comes back with some dropkicks. She connects with her monkey flip this time and follows that with a running bulldog. Alicia kicks out at two and goes for the scissors kick. Nikki dodges and hits the Bella Buster for the win.
Winner: Nikki Bella

Related Links:
• Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > WWE Main Event > 2013 > 11-06-13
• Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE Main Event > 2013 > November 6th


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