
sâmbătă, 4 ianuarie 2014

The Bella Twins - WWE Main Event Recap – November 20th

WRESTLING, RAW, SMACKDOWN, THE DIVAS, The Bella Twins, Brie Bella & Nikki Bella, 04 IANUARIE 2014 | Posted On November 21, 2013    Comments Off    Filed Under: Main Event, Results
Naomi makes her way to the ring with the cast of Total Divas with her. The Miz returns to commentary with Josh Mathews. Tamina Snuka enters with an injured AJ and other divas.
Naomi vs. Tamina Snuka
Lock up, Naomi is shoved down. Lock up again, Naomi rolls Tamina up. Big right hand from Snuka, she tosses Naomi around. Naomi comes back with kicks and punches, clothesline from Tamina for a two. Clothesline from Naomi, one. Big dropkick from Naomi, two. They work each other slowly and each pin. Tamina clotheslines Naomi out of the ring, and all of the divas at ringside argue as they go to commercial.
Tamina has a chin lock in place. Naomi powers out and takes Tamina to the corner. Tamina counters with a kick to the back of the leg. Snuka continues to kick the same leg, cover for one. Naomi tries to get some offense, but Tamina takes her back down with an elbow. Chin lock back in place. Naomi is kicked and thrown around me before Tamina covers her again, kickout. Naomi gets some space after connecting with a monkey flip. Naomi nails a kick to the head, leg drop follows for a nearfall. All of the divas start to brawl. Naomi is shoved out onto them. Naomi rolls Tamina back in, and she hits a crossbody from the top. Tamina nails a big kick to the face for the three.
Winner: Tamina

Related Links:
• Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > WWE Main Event > 2013 > 11-20-13
• Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE Main Event > 2013 > November 20th

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