
duminică, 5 ianuarie 2014

The Bella Twins - Monday Night Raw Recap – December 16th, 2013

WRESTLING, RAW, SMACKDOWN, THE DIVAS, The Bella Twins, Brie Bella & Nikki Bella, 05 IANUARIE 2014 | Posted On December 17, 2013    Comments Off    Filed Under: Raw
Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, and Natalya versus AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, and Alicia Fox
Natalya and Alicia start things off and Natalya with a roll-up for a near fall. They lock up and Natalya with a wrist lock. Natalya with a lateral press to counter the tilt-a-whirl back breaker and she gets a near fall. Brie tags in and they hit a double hip toss for a near fall. Brie tries to kick Alicia but Alicia pulls Brie off the turnbuckles and she gets a near fall.
Alicia gets another near fall and she sends Brie into the corner and tags in Tamina. Tamina chops Brie and gets a near fall. Tamina with a kick and she sends Brie into the turnbuckles. Tamina throws her vest at Brie. Brie with a roll-up for a near fall. Tamina with knee drops.
Tamina with a reverse chin lock. Brie with elbows to get out of the hold. Tamina with boots to Brie. Tamina with a Samoan drop. AJ tags in and she skips around the ring and then Brie hits a drop kick and Nikki tags in. Nikki with clotheslines followed by a back elbow and kick to the midsection. Nikki with a drop kick that knocks Tamina off the apron and then she does the same to Alicia.
Nikki gets AJ on her shoulder and Tamina with a super kick. AJ with a Shining Wizard for the three count.
Winners: Tamina Snuka, AJ Lee, and Alicia Fox
Related Links:
• Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night Raw > 2013 > 12-16-13
• Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night Raw > 2013 > December 16th

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