
duminică, 5 ianuarie 2014

The Bella Twins - Friday Night Smackdown Results – January 3rd, 2014

WRESTLING, RAW, SMACKDOWN, THE DIVAS, The Bella Twins, Brie Bella & Nikki Bella, 05 IANUARIE 2014 | Posted On January 04, 2014    Comments Off    Filed Under: Results, Smackdown
Aksana versus Nikki Bella
They lock up and Aksana pushes Nikki on the break. Nikki with a forearm and hip toss. Nikki with a slam and she runs Aksana into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders. Nikki with a suplex for a near fall. Aksana rolls to the floor and Nikki grabs her but Aksana sends Nikki’s arm into the ring post twice.
Aksana with forearms to Nikki followed by a kick to the ribs. Aksana wraps the arm in the ropes and kicks her. Aksana with a punch and side slam. Aksana slithers around Nikki and she kicks Nikki in the back and gets a near fall.
Aksana with a key lock and she pulls Nikki to the mat. Aksana returns to the key lock. Nikki with punches to escape and follows with a monkey flip. Nikki sends Aksana into the middle rope and she follows with a flying clothesline and drop kick. Nikki with a kick and bulldog for a near fall. Aksana with an Irish whip but Nikki with a kick.
Aksana with forearms and the referee warns her. Aksana misses a charge into the corner and Nikki with Shock Treatment for the three count.
Winner: Nikki Bella

Related Links:
• Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Friday Night Smackdown > 2014 > 01-03-14
• Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Friday Night Smackdown > 2014 > January 3rd


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