luni, 20 mai 2013

WWE Hangout Featuring LAYLA: May 16 TH, 2013

WRESTLING | LAYLA EL | 20 MAI 2013 | Posted by: Sarah || Filed in: WWE Hangout || May 16th, 2013

Layla made her second appearance on WWE Hangout today where she answered fan questions and Twitter questions. Not only did Layla talk about her injury, her return, she also talked about her personal mentor in her ring career, working with Michelle McCool, and lots more. Below are a few highlights from the Hangout. Check out the video above to see the entire WWE Hangout video session. Enjoy!
Layla on her injury – “It was a really, really bad injury.” Layla said that she wasn’t aware that she had torn her ACL and MCL and had to go through 2 surgeries and spend a year in rehab. She then went on to say that it was the most painful thing she’s ever been through in her life. It also was her biggest lesson, “it humbled me, it taught me a lot, and it makes me appreciate being able to step into the ring and do what I do every single day.”

Layla on Team Hell-No vs The Shield at Extreme Rules – Layla said she thinks that Team Hell-No prevail. “Kane, he’s a legend, he’s been through it all, he’s going to outsmart them.” Layla then went to say that thinks that The Shield are dangerous. “I just know that they’re great and they are.” Layla said that Kane and Daniel Bryan will outsmart them.

Layla on how it felt coming back to the ring after her knee injury – Layla said that she’s not going to sugar coat it or anything, she said that was really scared, terrified. “Not terrified because I didn’t want to go back there, I missed being out there, being in front of WWE Universe, but it was the fact that once you get hurt and I mean once you get really hurt and you can’t do things you used to be able to do and you have to re-train yourself, that’s what scared me. And I was scared that I was going to go out there and BAM, there you go, out.” She wasn’t worried if the fans boo’d her or the fans didn’t like her because she knows she’s always been a bad girl. She was more concerned about getting hurt again. “It was a huge cross point in my life, it taught me a lot. I was crying and really down for a whole year before that day and it was finally there in front of me. Honestly I have to say, I was genuinely scared.” Looking back at the day she returned, Layla said that she never talked to anybody and felt like she was going to puke, so she went to the corner and started writing down her thoughts.

At one point, Howard Finkel asked Layla to tell us more about her experience from the Susan G. KOMEN Global Race for the Cure. “It was a very touching experience. I lost my mom to breast cancer in 2008, she tried, she survived it 3 times, and then the last time it was just too much.” Layla was nervous when she got to the event because she didn’t want to share her story with everybody, but she saw ladies who had survived breast cancer and they were all wearing pink. When she got up to the stage, all she saw was pink. ” People can survive it. There is hope.” She was very teared up because it showed that the world really does care. “Sunday was very touching and I was very happy that I could share that with Alicia Fox. We got to share that being strong, independent women, it was very nice to see all those ladies out there and men and all those little kids. Everyone was just in unity. That day was the best.”

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