joi, 16 mai 2013

WWE Career Horoscopes | 2 May 2013

WRESTLING | 16 MAI 2013 | The Bella Twins, Brie Bella & Nikki Bella
 Time to ask for a raise? Or is it better to fly under the radar? Anyone who’s ever punched a clock knows these questions can be tougher to deal with than boss with bad breath. Before you tell anyone to “take this job and shove it,” though, be sure to read your WWE career horoscope to find out whether to dust off that resume or start picking out furniture for that corner office.
Aw, look at you, being all productive and tenacious to impress the boss. Unfortunately for you, a co-worker has been undermining your efforts and taking credit for your work. Got your attention yet? As anyone close to you knows, to betray you, or fellow Scorpions Brie & Nikki Bella, is to feel the scorpion’s sting. Open your eyes to find out who’s taking you out at the knees. Once you confirm your suspicions, inform your boss. And trust that the backstabber will get a heavy dose of comeuppance.


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