duminică, 17 februarie 2013

Be A Star Rally : Hope-Hill Elementary School

WRESTLING, 17 FEBRUARIE 2013 | Posted by Sarah on February 4th, 2013. Filed in Appearances -- Comment?
Kofi Kingston, Layla, Hornswoggle and announcer Josh Mathews led the rally, which took place before Raw at the Philips Arena. After McMahon explained the importance of the be a STAR Alliance and spoke about WWE’s commitment to the community, more than 150 elementary school students listened to the Superstars’ personal messages about how they’ve been affected by bullying.
They explained the different forms of bullying, such as cyber, physical and verbal, and encouraged the third-, fourth- and fifth-graders to be a STAR by not being bystanders and standing up to bullies and telling a parent, teacher or guardian when they’re having issues with bullies. They also spoke about using the Internet and social media as a way to send positive, respectful messages.
Special guest Ben Cohen, who is a former professional rugby player, also spoke to the students about The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, an organization he started to raise awareness about bullying. Other special guests at the rally included Hollande Levinson, the education director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Angela Fortson, Hope-Hill’s school counselor.
Finally, McMahon, the Superstars and Cohen led the Hope-Hill Elementary School students in the “be a STAR pledge.”
One out of every four children is bullied, and a child is bullied every seven minutes, whether it’s cyber, physical or verbal. Through WWE and The Creative Coalition’s campaign, children around the globe are encouraged to “be a STAR: Show.Tolerance.And.Respect.”
Related Links :
WWE> Appearances/Signings> 2013> Be A Star Rally : Hope-Hill Elementary (Atlanta)

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