
sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2013

Friday 16/11/2012 | Smackdown! Results : November 16th, 2012

WRESTLING, 05 IANUARIE 2013 | Written By: Sarah || File Under: Smackdown Results
Layla, Kaitlyn, and Natalya vs Eve, Alicia, and Aksana
Lock up by Aksana and Natalya and a kick by Aksana and wristlock. Roll through by Natalya and tag to Layla. Double clothesline by Layla and Natalya. Dropkick by Layla. Alicia Fox comes in and hair whip to Layla pulling her down. Suplex by Fox and slam by Fox. Tag to Eve and the rolling senton onto Layla. Snapmare by Eve, kick to the face. Fox back in with a punch and Layla fighting back makes the tag to Kaitlyn who hits a series of clotheslines. Flapjack by Kaitlyn and shoulder block. Aksana breaking the pin up taken out by Natalya. Kaitlyn dropkick to Fox who bumps into Eve. Inverted DDT on Fox and the cover for the three count.
The winners of the match: Kaitlyn, Natalya & Layla


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