miercuri, 17 octombrie 2012

In Video – Layla Talks About Her Mother’s Struggle With Cancer

WRESTLING, 17 OCTOMBRIE 2012 | Written By: Sarah || File Under: Layla

Related Links : Video Screen Captures
In a very touching and emotional video, Layla talked about her mother and her struggle with cancer. Layla’s mother passed away in 2008 and she was only 48 years young. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 times. Layla talked about how her mother never saw her wrestle nor will she be there to see her getting married. This video is very emotional and touching, I couldn’t help but cry. Be thankful for everyone you have in your life, they might not always be there. You can see and feel the sadness in Layla’s voice and face. Please support the Susan G. Komen foundation and rise above cancer. Rest in peace, Mrs.El.

Sursa: www.laylael.org

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