duminică, 17 februarie 2013

Michelle McCool Mentions Layla

WRESTLING, 17 FEBRUARIE 2013 | Posted by Sarah on February 15th, 2013. Filed in Layla News -- Comment?

 Michelle McCool, former member of Lay-Cool recently talked about multiple former divas/friends that she worked with on MichelleMcCool.net ( Michelle’s official fansite). Michelle also talked about Kharma, the fatal 4-way match, the bar room brawl, and more, where Layla was mentioned. You can read what Michelle said below :
Fatal 4-Way and Kharma : There was a lot of talk and a lot of hype about her coming up on the road. She was always backstage for several weeks before she debuted, and everything was really hush-hush about what she was going to do. …I don’t even know if they knew what she was going to do? I remember the night that me and Layla had a match with a mystery opponent that totally came out of nowhere. I have never worked with Eve; she was on a totally different show. That day, I think it was the pay-per-view with Nattie that was supposed to be a handicap match, we’re told that Eve is coming in, it’s going to be a fatal four-way, and that she’s going over. This was literally just dropped out of the sky. We didn’t have a program with her, so we had no idea where this came from! We were just like…. okay? Cool. We never care who is or isn’t going over, but it’s just like… where did she come from? We’re just trying to think of ways we can progress our storyline through this, so there was a double pin — me and Layla being pinned at the same time, just so that we can argue about it on television later (which is just another example of thinking ahead — how can we use what we’re given to further ourselves at least one more week). So, Eve’s in the match and she’s going over… but she’s not coming out. Backstage Rib : The crowd starts chanting Awesome Kong! Awesome Kong! Awesome Kong! I know that literally everyone says that they’re kept in the dark, but we didn’t know what was going on. I did know that Kong was backstage that day — obviously, we’ve seen her. I remember being in the ring with Layla and just looking at her. People are chanting so loud and I just go: “…they’ve got us! They’re ribbing us!” I look at Layla and we think she’s coming out, so I’m telling her: “Okay! Just bump and feed, bump and feed for her, bump and feed!” We really thought she was about to come out! Butttttttt… that didn’t happen.
And here’s what Michelle said about the bar room brawl that involved herself, Layla, Trish, and Snooki and their Wrestlemania match :
Bar Room Brawl : I think we could have had a seriously great match. The pre-tape with Snooki, though? That day… gosh, y’all have no idea. That whole bar scene pre-tape, and how that went down? Yeah. We had a really good deal for that night, but it didn’t go down as planned. The little bar room brawl that we did have, and what I got to do with Trish was really fun. I wish there could have been more of that!” WrestleMania: The WrestleMania match it was… okay. It wasn’t anything great, and we definitely could have done a lot more. I only say that because literally, as we’re getting ready to walk out of the curtain, Johnny comes up to us and says: “Girls, you’ve got no time. Get in the ring and go home.” We’re just like… what? First off, it’s a mixed-tag, what are we supposed to do? They’re literally telling us to go home (finish the match) as soon as the bell rings. Layla and I are just having a conversation on the way to the ring, just wondering what are we going to do. Am I going to start, is she going to start — what!! Trish gets in there and she’s just like: “Hey, let’s just do it. Let’s just do this and that… just follow me.” I’m like, alright — sweet. We did some stuff together, but you know, nothing that even comes close to what we could have done.
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